Dried Garden Herbs

We finally decided to try growing and drying some herbs this year.  We'd grown herbs once before, possibly our first year gardening, but I am not even sure we used them!   I don't think we grew them very well this year, but they did grow.  Well, not the rosemary.  I swear it was the exact same size when we harvested it as when we planted it.  The herb bed was on the west side of the house and between the overhanging trees and the house itself the bed really didn't get much sun.  So, I am just glad we got anything at all.  Like every year in the garden I certainly learned a thing or two to do differently next time.  That is gardening for ya!

As I was separating the dried leaves from the stems I told Matt that I thought that herbs were worth growing just for that heady experience alone.  The whole room was filled with such delicate yet overwhelming scents.  My hands reeked (in the best possibly way) for hours afterwards.  It was delightful.
So, in addition to snips here and there while they were still alive and growing in the flowerbed I ended up with:
1/2 oz. each dried English Thyme, Mint, French Tarragon, and Oregano
1/4 oz  dried Rosemary
Obviously this is not a huge haul, but it is a start!


  1. Beth, thanks for the book recommendation. When we lived in Conrad, I worked a couple hours a week at the library, so I'm an avid I.L.L.-er.
    I'm 52, so any extra pounds tend to make themselves known. About 16 years ago I was hit by a car while bicycling (by an elderly lady who was legally blind). Having had a pelvis injury in the past makes me more prone to issues as I age.
    We had some Billings relatives with us for Thanksgiving. My s.i.l. used to be part of the Hoy family in Billings. Their tortilla business doesn't exist anymore. Had you heard of Hoy tortillas at one time?
    Have a great weekend..........Denise

  2. I bet your house smelled delicious! I want to grow a bunch of herbs myself next year. I'm determined to take more control of our own food. Rosemary grows year round hear and will get HUGE! I had a bush in the center of my garden and it was just taking over so I decided to try to move it and it died. Lesson learned - next time I will plant it where I can just mow around it and let it get as big as it wants. I would love to have a bush large enough to cut skewers to grill meat on (I know you all aren't carnivores but my guys are); perhaps you could cook veggies in them as well. HHMmmmmm.... think think think.

  3. Denise, isn't ILL just the best?!?! Okay, I am biased, that is what I do all day! Mindless Eating was great, I hope you enjoy it as well.

    Yes, I have heard of Hoy tortillas, but I think that was before I moved to Billings myself. The local tortilla company these days is Trevino's.

    I hope you are able to drop the few pounds as you'd like so hopefully your poor pelvis can feel better! That is a pretty critical body area!

    Becky, oh it smelled SO good! So good! Year round herbs! Oh, there are so many pros and cons to living in every region, aren't there?!? I believe that Matt's mother keeps mint and oregano alive in her backyard all year. I can't say they are happy about it, but it is fairly sheltered and on the south side so they survive.

    As to skewers....hmmmm...neat idea! I will have to keep that in mind and Matt loves (veggie) kebabs! And of course, we love ALL things DIY!! Thanks for the idea!

  4. I usually just grow basil. But, next year, maybe more. I think your haul was marvelous!

  5. I so agree with you, I love how my hands smell after storing up the dried herbs!

  6. I'm so impressed! I have, so far, just used my herbs fresh. I need to get into drying them, especially since I'm doing Dark Days again this year (local eating).


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