Matt's Artform

Matt says he can't even draw stick people.  He refuses to play Pictionary, a game I love, due to this inability to draw.  (He can draw though if he must for say, garden sketches, and once he made a sunrise sequence on four small squares of paper with oil pastels just for fun.  I have seen it and I have the proof.)  He used to say he was not at all creative--though he has always had a great eye for art and is frequently offering helpful suggestions that improve my doodles and drawings.  But when he started tie-dying all those years ago now he had finally found IT.  He found his creative medium.  He is a brilliant dye artist making things I'd never even attempt.  And he keeps getting better and better with practice.  His most recent batch actually made me stop mid-sentence when I noticed them sitting in a nice little pile on the coffee table.  I think that they are so good that I want to show them to everyone!
We've got a number of holiday shows coming up and we sure hope that our customers like them as much as we do.


  1. These are fabulous! I'm glad you shared. My favorite is the third one. Great colors.

  2. Those are spectacular! Okay, what are they? I recognize tshirts, but this...curious. Seeing his work makes me want tie dye. I have never had anything tiedyed. You know back in the heyday of tie dye, only dirty hippies and druggies wore that stuff. (Not my opinion)

    The swirls I get. Even some of the other patterns I understand. But, these amaze and confound me.

    I cannot draw at all or anything artistic, even though I have four siblings who are artistically and musically talented. However, I have been described as being artistic because of my sewing, not the technical part--the designs and patterns I draft and colors I combine. For the life of me, I cannot even play a tambourine. I can tell you everything about reading and executing music. Yes, I took piano lessons.

    1. Sewing is most certainly an art--especially if you've a flair for the design part!

      These are tapestries that can really be used for whatever--table cloths, curtains, wall hanging, sarongs, etc. We've even had large ones used a quilt backs!

  3. Are any for sale? If so, can you email pricing info?



  4. WOW! They are truly incredible! I would want to keep them all for myself instead of selling them ;) What a gift Matt has. Thanks for sharing his art with us!

    1. Sometimes it IS hard to part with them! But, a person can only have so many tie-dye shirts, skirts, bed sheets, table cloths, napkins, etc, so it has gotten easier!! : )

  5. So amazing...What great talent Matt!

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind words! I'll be sure and share them with Matt! Practice really does make a world of difference! Its amazing to compare these with the dyes we were making a few years ago.


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