A Simple Woman's Day Book for November 26, 2013

A Simple Woman's Day Book for November 26, 2013

Outside my window... one of the neighborhood blue jays landed on the porch railing.  He walked the whole length, knocking off the snow as he went.  We've seen them in the tree tops all around the yard, but never quite so close up.  What magnificent birds.

I am thinking.... about 
airships.  You know, like blimps?  Matt read a book about them and has been talking about them for days.  I gotta say it does sound awesome to fly just 1,000 feet above the ocean at 75 mph with the windows open.  But, you know, the potential to burst into flames is a pretty big negative.

I am thankful for... Matt waking me up with a warm cup of black tea on the bedside table this morning.

From the kitchen... come the sights and smells of a Thanksgiving meal slowly coming together.

I am wearing...  a bright (and I mean bright) green and pink flowered dress from the Montana Vintage Store and a sweater from the last clothes swap. 

I am creating... a better waist closure on the blue dress.  Following the advice of my mother I am going to try velcro instead of hook and eye closures.

I am going... to not travel this holiday season.  I'm not sure I've ever done that before.  I always go somewhere.  But, I am staying home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas for a change.  And I am looking forward to it.

I am reading... The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain and The Land of the Painted Caves by Jean Auel--the last book in the Earth's Children series.

On my mind... food and family.

Around the house... the first Christmas packages have arrived.  Thanksgiving is almost here.  I guess I might set up the Christmas tree soon.  

One of my favorite things... peace and quiet.  Don't get me wrong I immensely enjoy a rockin' concert or ruckus dinner party, but, oh, that peace and quiet.

A few plans for the rest of the week...I don't have to work the rest of the week until Sunday evening.  There will be Thanksgiving meal with Matt' family tomorrow and whatever my little heart desires on Friday and Saturday.  Likely Scrabble, sewing, cooking, and a little bit of organizing will be involved.

A small window into my life...
Setting the table for dinner with friends last week.
 This format come from the Simple Woman blog.


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