Sprouting and Springtime

Spring must be around the corner now.  I base this on the fact that it is once again the time of year where the grow lights are hung in the basement workshop.  We've started our first batch of seeds for the garden, most of which have germinated swimmingly.  We need to buy new cauliflower seeds as we're still using the last of a packet from 2011 and the germination rate has been downright dismal.  I am not sure even a single cauliflower seed has sprouted, actually.  We're also trying to stagger our seed starting more this year than we have in years past.  We hope this will provide us with a more slow-and-steady supply of veg as opposed to, say, all of the cauliflower being ready at the same time.  By staggering when we start our seedlings we also hope to have better success with them should some plants prove less than vigorous.  Last year we had a bad time with our tomato seedlings and by the time we got a second batch planted and ready to go outside it was pretty much too late in the season for them to be highly productive.   We're thinking its better to just start a dozen each week for several weeks than to start all of them at once.  We shall see.  That is one of the great things about the garden--every year is a chance to try new crops or techniques, to learn from the past and try new things in areas that didn't work as desired.  Its a perpetual experiment.  I like that a lot.


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