2013 Tomato Soup with 2014 Chives

We used up the last pint of 2013 tomato sauce on Friday.  That's not too bad, I'd say, considering that we had a rather limited bounty of tomatoes last year.  Tomatoes were one of the first things we started to can when we decided to pursue this homesteading/homemaking type life.  They're easy to can and we use them in loads of different dishes from the foreign flavors of vegetable curry to the All-American classics like tomato soup.
It was fun to pair our first wave of 2014 produce (chives) with part of the tale end of our 2013 produce (tomatoes).  The empty jars and baskets are starting to pile up in the store room.    'Tis the season!
But we did have fresh spinach with breakfast, too.  Huzzah!  Fresh greens!


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