The fair was so fun.

 The fair was so fun.

  • Ooohing and ahhing over the quilts, knitting, and other handicrafts
  • Laughing at all the amazing costumes in the 4H Animal Parade
  • Eating a basket of curly fries as big as my head
  • Drinking a copious amount of fresh squeezed lemonade
  • Listening to live music from a couple different bands
  • Watching two performances from Jeremiah the wandering juggler
  • Doing backflips on the trampoline ride while cackling with delight and working up a sweat
  • Rubbing a soft fuzzy horse's nose, meeting alpacas and chickens, and learning about goats
  • Bumping into friends and colleagues while meandering the midway with Matt
  • Watching the carnival lights reflecting in the pond

Next year I am going to finally enter something in the craft contests at the fair.  One of my patchwork garments or my newest rag rug or something.  I always say I am going to as we make our way through the year I will actually do it!  


  1. Hello, I'm visiting here from Affectioknit. Your fair looks like fun. Ours is on right now but it isn't what it used to be and costs an arm and a leg just to enter the gate. I am thinking of going though. I used to go every year. Now I only go once in awhile. The best parts are eating and people watching.

    1. Thanks for popping by and for sharing your own fair sentimetnts. We are luck to get a pair of free gate admission tickets because Matt works for the county. That certainly helps since everything gets more and more expensive, for sure. We had a blast people watching!


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