Dancing with Hannah

It is the birthday of one of my dearest friends, Hannah.  She's my best pen pal, my favorite book club partner, the external hard drive for my memory, and one of my most beloved music companions. The way she cares about people is so deep there is no bottom.  Everyone who counts her as a friend is a lucky individual.  

She's also pretty short.  In honor of her birthday, I thought I'd share a poem I wrote about her while we were cutting a rug at a Dead Sky show on January 6, 2024.  It has a haiku sorta feel to it, but the syllable convention is all wrong.  It makes me smile.  Hannah, living up to her reputation for remembering everything, is the reason this poem still exists.  She helped me piece it back together the next day when, living up to my own reputation for forgetting everything, I couldn't quite recall it back.

At the Rialto
Dancing behind Hannah
There is nothing to dread
Because you can still see the band right over her head.

Photos of dancing (with Hannah and Matt) during Terrapin Flyer at The Elm on May 18, 2024.  There are a bunch of Hannah photos in this post from 2018.


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