MMM24 Recap

The Me Made May recap this year is pretty short and sweet.  It was what I expected.  I am too fat to fit into a lot of "My Dresses" comfortably.  

Matt and I doing a little dancing at Jerryberry.  Photo credit to Maranda W.
That's why they've fallen out of my wardrobe rotation.  I can get them zipped fine.  They're just too snug in the bodice.  It rubs at my armpits and/or constricts at the throat in a way I simply won't tolerate from my attire.  

Listening to soundcheck at Jerryberry.  Photo credit to Matt.
It is a two-fold problem.  I was about 10-15lbs lighter when I made most of them.  Plus, I didn't learn about pre-shrinking fabric before sewing garments with it for a long time.  D'oh!!  Sooooooo, I can only wear a few of them with comfort and enjoyment.   Maybe I will have to turn them into skirts (with deep pockets) after all.  That was the idea/solution that struck me during MMM23.  I never followed up on it though.  

Matt and I doing a little dancing at Jerryberry.  Photo credit to Maranda W.
The standout or MVP from this month was the GD Roses Dress.  I wore it three times in May.  I had learned to pre-shrink my fabric by the time I made that dress.  (Better late than never.)  Thus, it is a little more forgiving about the 15lbs.  Ha!  The rose print makes for a beautiful, sumptuous dress.  It feels a bit royal.  The red is vibrant and bold.  

Jerryberry was a total blast!  What a great way to kick off my birthday celebrations!
I need to touch up the satin stitching around the lightning bolt appliques.  It was like the second time I'd ever tried to do that--and there were so many right angles!  It could use a little attention.

Matt and I doing a little dancing at Jerryberry.  Photo credit to Maranda W.


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