The Kid's Stir-Fry Sauce

Once I went through all of the cookbooks at my library and copied every recipe that sounded good (and not insanely complex) onto 3x5 cards.  Its not as crazy as it sounds.  We don't have too many cookbooks, really.  As a side-note I will mention that I recycle old card catalog cards as my recipe cards.  They are always blank on one side which is usually enough room for my bare-bones style of transcribing recipes.  Since the library automated to an electronic catalog the thousands of cards are just boxed up in the workroom.  We give them to students when they ask us for index cards.  We use them as scratch paper.  I use them as recipe cards.  The Kid's Stir-Fry Sauce is on the back of a card cataloging an official highway map of Delaware. 
Peas and spinach from our garden.
The reason we call it The Kid's Stir-fry Sauce is because it is slight deviation from the stir fry recipe I copied down from a cookbook called Kid's Cuisine (I told you I read every cookbook).    The original recipe was only five ingredients, so easy that a child cook make it.  Since we are just slightly more advanced than that we zested it up a little with some ginger and orange juice (other citrus juice would work, too) and dropped one ingredient I deemed unnecessary.  It is quick, easy, and quite tasty.

The Kid's Stir-fry Sauce
1/2 C vegetable broth
1/2 C orange juice
2 T honey
2 T vinegar
2 T soy sauce
2 T minced ginger

Combine all ingredients until well blended.


  1. The first five ingredients are the original recipe?

  2. It didn't originally call for the orange juice either. We'd frozen a bunch of fresh squeezed juice in ice cube trays during a time when we had an excess of oranges so we slip a little into things now and again, especially stir-fry.

    It was "supposed" to be:
    1/2 C vegetable broth
    2 T honey
    2 T vinegar
    2 T soy sauce

    With cornstarch to thicken it as well which I never thought it needed so I left out.


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