Homegrown Meals Mid-Winter

We had a few friends over for a spontaneous dinner party a few nights back.  I didn't make anything special for them, really, just ran down my weekly list of menu ideas and landed on tacos.  In truth, I think they are more burritos than tacos, but whatever.  We call them tacos.

The onions, peppers, beans, corn, and squash we used in our meal were all homegrown.  The yellow Indian beans have been dried, jarred, and stored in the kitchen cupboard.  The onions for our day-to-day use are in a mesh bag in our semi-cold storage unit, also known as the coat closet.  The peppers and corn were fresh frozen and stashed in the freezer.  The squash are in pretty little rows on the shelf in the basement workroom--there are more onions down there, too.

Its so wonderful to have these little caches of homegrown goodness.  Its all to easy to think the garden season ends when the plants are pulled or put to bed for the season, but oh, its not true at all.  The garden continues to provide well into the snowy, snowy days of January.  Huzzah.
Fried breakfast potatoes (HG) with zucchini (HG) and onions (HG).
Basil (HG) pesto with peas (HG) and greens (HG) over pasta.
Strawberries (HG) with cashew cheese and croissant.
Fried breakfast potato blend (HG) with peppers (HG) and onions (HG).
Potatoes (HG) with peanut and garlic (HG).
Roast potatoes (HG), fennel (HG), and onions (HG) with falafel.
Grilled zucchini (HG) fillets with cabbage (HG) "egg"rolls.
Thai-inspired chili-garlic stir-fry with peppers (HG), zucchini (HG), eggplant (HG), and onion (HG) over rice noodles.
Fried breakfast potatoes (HG).
Roast veg with tomatoes (HG), peppers (HG), onion (HG), eggplant (HG), fennel (HG), and zucchini (HG). 
Update:  For the sake of clarity, the photos above were not all eaten in January and are representatives of my various delicious homegrown meals throughout the year.  I do not still have fresh tomatoes or zucchini at the moment.  Dried tomatoes and frozen zucchini yes, fresh, sadly no.


  1. Mmmm... I love all the colors! I wish you could cook for me :-p

  2. Your Thai stir fry looks especially mouth-watering! Well done, all that homegrown goodness this far out from the growing season.

  3. It all looks DELICIOUS!!! Do you and Matt have a favorite book or two on Vegan eating?

    1. Hmmmmmm....Well, I like all of Isa Chandra Moskowitz books that I've used. Sometimes they are a little too elaborate for me, but they are always delish. Plus, she has books on cookies and cakes and things. I just got Fresh From the Vegan Slowcooker which as so far been fantastic. But, mostly I just go to the public library and raid their vegan cookbook section and copy out things I'd like to try. I have a binder of such copied out recipes. If they pass muster I add them to my recipe box. Here is Isa's website which has some recipes, too: http://www.theppk.com/recipes/


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