Bringing in the Tomatoes

Another gardening landmark!  I am happy to note that with our expanded garden space we were able to harvest more tomatoes than we did all of the produce we harvested last year combined.  Amazing.  We are so pleased.   My counter has been taken over by ripe tomatoes waiting for processing.  The basement store room has many boxes of green tomatoes waiting to ripen.  Last year we had good luck with our rate of successful ripening.  Here's hoping its the same this year.
We harvested the remaining tomatoes on Monday and Tuesday as the first frost was predicted for this morning.  I told Matt that we could cover them if we went to the thrift shop and picked up some sheets which I would sew together to make giant bed covers.  Most surprisingly, my garden-obsessed man seemed ready to just call it a season with the tomatoes.  Between buying a house, working on the house, prepping a new garden space, selling tie-dye all summer, etc I think he is ready for a calmer, quieter season.  And he also thought it would be a hassle to cover twenty-four 6-10 foot tall tomato plants.  He may have been right about the hassle, but I was more than willing in order to let a few more tomatoes vine-ripen. 
But we hauled them all in (and just in time--Matt harvested the last few in the cold, grey drizzle yesterday morning) before the cold rainy, sleety day that was yesterday.  More cool weather expected.  It seems that summer is really over now.  I am both eager and sad about it.  Like Matt though, I am ready for a quieter season.   Almost.


  1. What a wonderful amount of tomatoes :), hope for us in New Zealand to get as many this season. Fresh, homegrown tomatoes taste so yummy mmmmm :)

    1. The flavor is like nothing else, isn't it?! I hope your summer garden is as wildly productive as my winter garden will be calm and mellow!

  2. That is certainly a lot of tomatoes! Sheets would not have to be taken off each morning. If you are only coverint tomatoes, I think I would just drape a sheet over each or maybe over two if they are close and it is a huge sheet. Of course, sewing them together may be best.

    Here is a green tomato pie post on my blog. I can imagine it could be made into apple dumpling or Apple Betty.;postID=6611541228035681476

    If that does not get you to the right post, and if you want to see the recipe, just search on my blog.

    Have you kept up with the weight of your harvest?

  3. I picked all of our 58 plants in late Sept. due to frost and now wanting to cover them. 99% were still green .. and they all ripened beautifully in the basement. So ready for a slower season. You had a great harvest.

    1. Wowsers. 58 plants! They must REALLY take over the basement!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! There are so many truly beautiful varieties out there. I think Cherokee Purple is my favorite. That color is amazing.

  5. Just found you today and can't wait to read more.

    1. Welcome, Kathie! Come back any ol' time. I hope you have a great day!

  6. Replies
    1. We're quite pleased with the gifts from the garden this year. Hooray!

  7. WOW! Matt looks like your berried him in tomatoes.

  8. Glad you got the harvest in before the cold weather hit. Hope you enjoy some fried green tomatoes too!

    1. We've actually never tried one! I am SO going to though. I've heard about them a lot and I've got some to try it out with!


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