Someday Blueberries and Currants

I've mentioned before our intent to add perennial fruit-bearing plants to our garden each year.  We planted strawberries and raspberries last year.  This year it was blueberries and red currents.
Matt and the current bushes (either side of the iris) 6/2/2013
We planted a bush each of Jersey and Patriot blueberries and two Red Lake current bushes.  Next year Matt is talking fruit trees--sweet cherries or honeycrisp apples, my favorite variety.  I adore fruit and am keen to provide myself wish as much of it as I can.  Fresh for eating out of hand and frozen for smoothies and preserved in jams, jelly, and syrups for all manner of uses.  Oh, man, do I dig fruit.
Preparing the bed with a scoop of freshly sifted compost.  6/6/2013
Speaking of "dig," Matt dug up a big, but not-too-spectacular flowering bush that had been at the corner of the front yard along the drive way and replaced it with one of the blueberry bushes.  The blueberries will flower, too, AND make fruit.  That is much better, I think.  The other blueberry bush was planted at the north end of the same bed.  Apparently you need to have at least two plants in order for successful fruit production.  I wish I had taken photos of the big bush prior to its demise, but, I failed to do so.  You can see its large root ball in the photo below, however.
The root of the old bush and the hole it left behind.
Matt taking a water break from his intense excavation of the big bush.
I've never eaten a blueberry or a currant fresh right off the bush, but I am very much looking forward to someday when I will.  If the raspberries and strawberries are any indication I bet they are phenomenal.


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