Thanksgiving Heart Song

Thanksgiving Heart Song
My heart sings 
In an uncertain tone
For all the things we've held on to
In the teetering unbalance
But it sings just the same
for all we've put aside
Because I know I lived them once
My heart remembers
My heart sings
Matt's homemade sourdough bread and cultured cashew cheese.
Matt and I are celebrating in style at home today, just the two of us.  This is a first.  It isn't the same as the full family dinner and games, of course, but our cup of gratitude for the beauty and mystery of this marvelous life overflows regardless.  


  1. Your bread and cheese both look amazing!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, T. And thanks!

  2. You need a post about cultured cashew cheese!

    1. I need to get Matt to write some guest posts. :) I'll see what I can do.

      I know he uses probiotics, salt, and time!


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