Dancefloor Butterfly Poetry

Sparkle / Schmetterling

I was dancing with a tiny butterfly.
I sparkled like the morning dew.
She said:  "I like your sparkle."
I said: "I like your wings."
And we danced,
And were great friends.

This is a poem I wrote on the dancefloor at a Dead Sky concert on 1/15.  It was inspired by a conversation I had with Spooky and Casey's daughter.  I was wearing The Sparkle Jacket.  She was flapping around in butterfly wings.  She told me that we had the best outfits in the whole joint.  The poem that started building in my head afterwards was distracting me from the music so I stopped dancing, got out my phone, and wrote it down right then and there in the middle of the dancefloor.  I'm sharing it in celebration of the 25th National Poetry Month.


  1. Awwww Beth!...that's the SWEETEST!
    ~Have a lovely day!


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