Internet Minimalists

Matt and I aren't huge on digital technology.  We're obviously no luddites, but we employ a selective approach to it.  There are practical applications and advantages to new tech and a tools (gadgets, apps, websites), but there are also serious drawbacks and negative impacts (both personally and societally, if you ask me).  We weigh the pros and cons pretty carefully before deciding how we want to engage with these emerging electronic tools.  We're slow adopters.  We don't rush out and get the newest model or the latest device.  We like to wait and watch a while first.  See how it goes.  

Ginger helping with a dress I'm sewing.

This is all a prelude so that I can share an amusing exchange I had with a city employee recently.  They're installing a sidewalk on our street.  A couple of city workers with shovels and a backhoe were in front of our house digging around in order to locate the cables/wires/lines connecting my house to various services.  As I was rolling my bicycle down the driveway one of them stopped me because he couldn't find all the cables he expected to find.

Friends help friends lick those hard to reach spots.
  • Him, with confusion:  "Don't you have internet?"
  • Me:  "Nope."
  • Him, brows raised:  "You don't have the internet at all?!"
  • Me, with a headshake:  "No.  Well, I have unlimited data on my phone, but no, we don't have any home internet."
  • Him, now with an incredulous headshake:  "Really?!?  No internet!?"
  • Me, with another shake of the head:  "Nope."
  • Him, pantomiming writing with a pen and paper:  "What do you do?  Write a lot of letters?"  
  • Me, laughing at this point:  "Actually, yeah, I do." 

I'm so glad they decided to be best pals in the end.

I thought it was pretty great.  It made us both laugh.  Well, all three of us, once I shared the story with Matt, too.  

I am Ginger.  Tail Swisher and (occasional) Puzzle Menace.

Shortly after we bought our house was a bad storm that knocked down some (above ground) wires.  We called the electric company to report the downed wires, but they ended up not being electrical.  I honestly cannot remember if they were related to cable tv or the internet service.  I'm guessing the latter now.  Since we didn't have cable or the internet they just clipped the cable and called it a day.  I had totally forgotten about it until this recent exchange happened.  I gather that internet cables are now run underground...and we don't have any, I guess.  :)

I am Johnny.  I'm a shoe.  Now rub my belly.

This reminds me:  I'm out of postage stamps.


  1. Haha! This cracks me up! Unfortunately, we have some work-from-home (and for a time, school) people in this house so we have to have internet.

    1. Here's my crazy pandemic story: I did all my (digital) interlibrary loan duties from home for 22 week...using my iphone! It was crazy. I wouldn't do it again, but...desperate times and all. I was just starting to think I'd have to cave when they called me back in to the library proper.

  2. We have internet due to home working and home schooling online, some days I get tired of it though, it disconnects people just as much as it connects them! Just curious though, do you use a blog app so that you can blog from your phone or does your phone become a hot spot for a lapt top or other device? Loved the story Beth xx

    1. Probably the truest thing I know in life is that there are pros and cons to all things--the internet most especially included.

      Our phone and phone plan are so basic that they don't permit hotspotting or casting, so that's out for us at the moment.

      I write my blog a lot of different ways. I have typed them up directly on my phone, but putting the photos in isn't easy so I don't do that much. I write a lot in my old-fashioned paper journal and then transcribe them when I'm around a computer. That route has a built-in editing process I've found quite beneficial for my writing. I can check out laptops from the library. Sometimes I write my posts in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and then copy-and-paste it into Blogger when I'm at a place with computers, at a friends or the library, etc. I spend a lot of dinner breaks and lunch breaks doing a bit of blogging, especially in the cooler weather. And so on.

    2. Beth, you are one epic blogger as I would never have guessed that you didn't have internet at home! Your posts are always an honest and refreshing take on life and I'm grateful for the internet friends and places I wouldn't in reality ever have a hope to visit, blessings on your day ❤️


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