The Tastes of Summer

The other night, we had a tremendously satisfying, summery meal hot off the grill.  There was grilled veg, including zucchini and peppers (from the garden) and red onion.  Those yummy grilled veggies were paired with seasoned rice, pea fritters (more garden-fresh goodness), and tofu steaks.  We drizzled a creamy peanut sauce over the whole plate.  It really tasted like summer.
Hooray for a grilled dinner!  7/18/2023
The meal celebrated our first harvest of the Carmen peppers this year.  We harvested the first Glow peppers last week.  We proritise these "lunchbox" type peppers since they mature so much faster than a standard bell pepper.  
What a beautiful homegrown cabbage!!  7/11/2023
We're endeavoring to keep better garden notes this year.  In the past, we've been all over the place--from weighing every single bit harvested and keeping copious daily notes to literally writing down nothing for the whole year.  Nada.  Zilch.  We have a tendency to swing in an all-or-nothing fashion.  If we can't be "perfect" then what's the point?  It is such silly logic.  So, the garden notebook this year is a hopeful balance.
We tossed the veg in a little oil before it hit the grilling basket.  7/18/2023
I have primarily made maintaining the Garden Notebook "my" duty this year.  Matt already does so much more than me for the garden.  I still often have to consult him for my notes, but I think having it assigned to just one of us will increase the consistency.  
One section of flowers growing along the front walk (i.e. The Wildflower Walk).  7/18/2023
If nothing else, I've recorded the dates we started the seeds and the dates of the first harvests for each variety.  I'm trying not to get bogged down documenting every little detail.  I hope to capture a useful gist.  Things like the date of our first harvest and last harvest of the season or when we actually planted the seeds.  We'll know what varieties we tried and a general sense of how long they took to grow. 
To achieve a chewier texture, Matt air-fried the tofu a bit before throwing it on the grill.  It was pretty genius!  7/18/2023
The garden is growing well.  The herbs are a real standout for me this year.  Perhaps it is just because I am improving at utilizing fresh herbs in my cookery, but dang!  It has been wonderful.  So much basil, chives, oregano, and mint!  Mmmmmmm!  We made pesto that was 50/50 mint and basil.  The pea fritters are packed with chives.  Muddled mint makes for a swell addition to a summer cocktail.  We have a fresh batch of chive blossom vinegar bottled up.
The first sunflower on Matt's wildflower walkway along the front walk.  7/18/2023
It has been so rainy that we're just now setting up the drip lines in the garden.  Man, oh, man do we love having a rain-capturing system.  The wildflowers have really taken off.  The bees are busy in the blooms.  We harvested our first cabbage.  Ginger insists on staying in the garden all day--though I cycle home and check in on my lunch break.  I made a new batch of chile sauce with the first cayenne peppers.  We've picked three cucumbers so far and they were the crispest, freshest I've ever tasted.
The 15-Minute Seitan from The Pot Thickens--featuring homegrown peas, cabbage, basil, and zucchini amongst other veg.
Tonight we're filling our mini pool since we're finally going to be home this weekend and the forecast is looking hot, hot, hot.  We've been traveling (and having a total blast) every weekend since May and we're really looking forward to a weekend at home.  So is Ginger.  She's missed us--and the feeling is mutual  :)
Ginger has a few favorite spots in the garden, including this grassy patch by the vine-covered fence.  I was worried she was harassing the resident Chipping Sparrow there, but she's abided by our no-killing-birds policy like a champ.  She has hardly caught any voles this year either though.  She has fewer and fewer teeth with each passing year.  After her appointment in February, she only has one tooth left on her upper right side.  Maybe her hunting days are dwindling.  Or maybe we just don't have an active vole population this year. 7/19/2023


  1. Mmm, those meals look so delicious and hooray for the home-grown veggies! I shall now go and investigate your drip lines link…

    1. They're just basic DIY jobs (old hoses with holes drilled in them), but OH how much time they save us in watering.

  2. All that yummy home grown goodness. That meal looks and sounds delicious, you've inspired me to give it a go, but sadly Tofu would make me very ill, so will probably substitute that part of the dish. We are harvesting courgettes and it looks like the squash is doing nicely. Our forest garden although in its early stages is coming along and there'll be enough blackberries to make an autumn pie or crumble, yay! I had hoped to plant more seeds but this Long Covid is dragging its feet and although i'm seeing snippets of improvement, I still have to be very, very careful with what I do in a day. I like the idea of garden notes though as you can celebrate the wins, ponder over the losses and generally figure out what works and what doesn't. Your weekend in the back yard pool sounds just fab, San xx

  3. That is a gorgeous cabbage! Nothing like cooking dinner from the garden harvest.

    1. Thanks! And SO TRUE. It satisfies me to no end.

  4. Your veggies look wonderful! We have harvested our first tomatoes and we are eager to pick some kohlrabi next week. We only have a small garden the girls planted, but there are some things growing. Even our peppers are getting riper! And I love fresh herbs myself. I really like tarragon, chives, and parsley. Your Ginger reminds me of our Julius, who passed away a few years ago. We do miss him.

    1. I should add tarragon to my garden. Yay for any amount of fresh garden bounty. It really is the best.

    2. I think tarragon is much more popular in Europe, especially France.

  5. OMG this peanut sauce seems to have the PERFECT texture we want in a sauce!!!!
    Keeping notes of the work in the garden is really an awesome idea! Wich ... i never do ;-( But i can say that everything that is not tomatoes or basil or Malabar Spinach is stolen by the squirrels. Is this keeping note? ;-) Enjoy the last days before back to school!
    p.s. Simone-the-dog would love to see GInger! She loooves cats, but her "love" is a little too much for them ;-)


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