
Matt and I love potatoes.  We eat them on an almost daily basis.  This year we had a lovely potato crop which will keep us happily munching away for months--scalloped potatoes, mashed potatoes, breakfast potatoes, hashed browns, baked potatoes, roasted potatoes and so on.   We harvested some for new potatoes early on in the season, but the bulk of them we dug the last week of October--87 pounds worth in that last go.  They're all washed and bagged up in our cold storage now.  We grew several specimens that were pushing two pounds each!  I was impressed.  That is a big spud.  Huzzah for potatoes!  Potatoes, onions, and peppers.  If I could eat nothing else I would still be very happy.  Fortunately, we have plenty of all three for months ahead yet.


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